I have been reading a number of blogs lately about cleaning tips well i thought i would add a few of my own.
Denture tablets are great for cleaning the toilet, drop one in the pan leave it to fizz then use brush to remove limescale etc.
floors(tiles ,lino) add a bit of washing powder to the bucket it is an amazing degreaser.
to remove little bits of black in tiles put a small bit of bleach on an OLD toothbrush and rub in area affected.
I will add more as i think of what others i do.
Made a pizza for dinner tonight,used an oven prove frying pan. I put the dough in the pan to cook both sides. added the tomato, cheese and some left over chicken which wasn't used in yesterdays paella( i cooked it first)
then added some herbs and put it in the oven. It was yummy and it slid out of the pan in one piece .Very quick , very cheap and very lovely.
Had an hour spare time between finishing work and picking my daughter up, so managed to sort a few things out.One of which was gas/electric.Bills are due soon and i had a card through door requesting meter readings. I enter these frequently online so phoned them up to say this, whilst on the phone i asked about a bonus i was promised for signing up for the central heating cover,he put me on hold for an age then came back and told me that the £ 40 had been applied to my electricity so at the moment ( at least until the new bill is sent ) I'm £13 in credit.
He kept telling me i should up my direct debits because my usage is going to go up.Hes obviously not seen us sitting by candle light and with blankets over our laps.
Work was good today, i love chatting to some of my customers (older generation) about their life's. I find it fascinating and the gentleman i went to today he is a wee bit older than my dad would be if he hadn't died so young. I want him to adopt me!!!!!
Hope everyone is well
until later