Friday, 24 February 2012

Oh what a beautiful afternoon

I arrived home at around 2 pm yesterday and went straight into the garden.I was talking to one of my customers about a few jobs i was waiting for OH to do and one of them was the branches.She told me she had a set of loppers( is that what they are called?) and i could borrow them. So DD was quite excited to have a go so i pointed her in the right direction and off she went cutting back the high branches.I swept and weeded some of my raised beds in anticiaption for some serious planting over the next few months.
It was lovely to spend a couple of hours in the garden.Simple things please simple minds.

However whilst in the garden i had a few missed calls from OH AND DS they had broken down.....
OH on his total negative streak saying it was going to cost a fortune.I gave him the number of The AA he phoned they came and did a temporary repair to get him home ,the gear box linkage had gone.he needs all 3 .If that makes sense to anyone.Well it was 5.15 by this time and i just managed to price and source these items and a lovely lady told me what was needed and that she would order them and they could be collected today after 8.30 am for a total cost of just under £35.
DS's friend who he has done a few favours for recently is coming this morning to fit them.

So major catastrophe averted.
Last year when i took out this membership i also added repairs to the policy so if either of our vehicles had to be taken to a garage The AA would pay for any repair up to £500 with us paying the first £35.
OH has along work this morning to pick the parts up as i have to go to work ,i did suggest he dropped me off and then picked me up but i think that was to much like hard work for him.

DD is off today inset day so shes pleased, she finds it so much easier to study at home.

Hope you all had a good day.

One last thing I'm not doing too well getting new followers so if possible could you lovely people post a link to my blog to see if that works.
It may be of course that my blog is so boring people just don't want to follow

Until later


  1. Already linked on my page - I think getting followers is just slow and steady xx

  2. I don't find your blog boring,but someone obviously thinks mine is....I lost a follower yesterday!
    Jane x
    PS I'll check you are on my list.
