Sunday, 10 June 2012


I must admit i dont normally take much of an interest of where my food comes from.I would like to have higher morals and only have free range products but my budget just doesn't allow it. I have been catching up online a programme called Jimmy versus the big supermarket. The 2 i have watched have been about sausages and meatballs.He would like Tesco to have free range value products achieved by using bits of the animal not normally used.He made some sausages using the tongue and heart of the pig.Joe public tasted them and loved them but as soon as they found out what was in them they said they wouldn't buy them Im afraid  that would be me...
The other i watched was meatballs,He couldn't  make a cheaper alternative but what he did do was to get Tesco talking about stocking Rose Veal.Once again i had misconceptions about veal in this country but these have been put right now.A few farmers do produce veal but Tesco charge a small fortune something like £23 a kilo for veal from Europe where the welfare standards are poor.
At present male calf's in this country are shot within the first couple of days of life and burnt as there is no market for them.I'm sure if Tesco would support farmers ( and all the other supermarkets) to raise the males for rose veal (currently sold at £5 kilo) everyone would benefit.

Watch the programme if you can,next week is Chicken Kiev.

Talking about Chickens,I'm loving my hens I've only had them a week but they are adorable.No eggs yet but hopefully soon.

Blanched all my reduced veg and its all frozen in 2 portion bags.Hoping to be able to reduce my grocery budget again so more money can be put towards debt repayment.
My veg and fruit are slowly growing lots of flowers appearing on the cucumbers and broad beans.Picking the odd cherry tomato but not much else happening.

Now i have a question

When i do finally harvest all my tomatoes later in the summer what shall i do to preserve them.
Would love to hear all your tried and tested recipes for ketchup, chutneys etc.


  1. I saw that programme too, but I thought that sausages had all sorts of body bits in them anyway?
    What about sundrying the tomatoes, I have no idea how to do it, but they keep for ages in oil and are lovely with pasta through the winter.

  2. I haven't seen this programme so will keep An eye out for it.

    As for tomatoes, we make sauces for pasta, a lovely tomatoe chutney amongst other things.

    Glad your chucks are doing well. Let's hope you get some eggs soon.

    X x

  3. I may have to watch this, although programmes like this tend to put me off food for a while it could be good for my waistline.

    What is the pizza offer at tesco, I looked in my local last night and no offer was showing instore??

  4. I can all of our tomatoes, some just as tomatoes for soups and such, also pizza sauce, salsa, and chili base. They can be dehydrated but it's a lot of work with very little results. Hope to add tomato juice to the list this year

  5. I usually can tomatoes, make salsas, pizza sauce, tomato sauce and flash-freeze them to add to soups.

  6. Hiya,
    I have joined you cos you made me smile!
    My fingers also work faster than my brain sometimes...hehex
    Maria x
