Well today is officially Mothers Day.
Today is a good and bad day.Bad in the respect i miss my mum and i wish she was here to share the highs and lows of my life.
Good is i am a mum a job that i have loved having for over 25 years.
This morning i came down to find my youngest daughter (and only child at home) waiting for me.Take into account it is 6.05 am.
I was greeted with a huge hug and all this....
I knew she was up to something as i was banned from the kitchen last night.no hardship there...
DD made me cake pops 10 in all but only 8 now.They are truly delicious.
Bunting was hung candles lit a beautiful mug which said "if mums were flowers I'd pick you" and lastly a fantastic wall art.I have wanted this done for years and she has chosen a perfect place for it to go.
2 cards on fireplace with a photo of my mum and me strategically placed in between.
DS will be over later but its Mothers Day he has to help his DD lavish attention on her mummy.And MIL is coming over for dinner this evening so my OH can lavish attention on her.
Hope you all have a fantastic day whatever you are doing.